Frequent Questions
What are resiliency skills?
Most research shows the following skills have the most impact on reducing risky health behaviors and increasing positive health outcomes. Decision-making, goal-setting, communication and negotiation, stress and coping and; positive thinking.
Do people really need health classes?
Health information is not necessarily available to everyone. The populations that we reach do not or have not had good health information and struggle to maintain their basic health needs.
Texas no longer requires school districts to offer health classes in high schools. By not ensuring good health information, and a safe place to discuss health issues, a adolescents girl’s ability to become a healthy and resilient woman is greatly diminished.
Harris County has the highest percentage of women without health care and Texas ranks 43rd in the utilization of preventive screening. In Harris county 27% of women reported that they had not seen a doctor because of cost.
Don’t people have access to all of this information, thanks to the internet?
Often people with the greatest health burdens have the least access to information, communication technologies, health care, and supporting social services. Many marginalized populations lack access, such as low-income households; persons with less education; and certain racial and ethnic groups. Internet access rates vary according to income with only 11% of households earning $24,999 or less having access to the internet.
Our health publications have served the Houston community for many years, through health clinics, other social services agencies, and faith-based locations by providing free health information to individuals. Out of the thousands of publications we give out yearly 67% of those publications are used as the education tool for other organization’s services. Of the individuals who use our books, 40% report they use our publication because the people they serve may not get this information anywhere else.
How do you measure success?
We measure our programs using evaluations based on a program logic model and health promotion models. We look to increase knowledge, change attitudes and behaviors to affect long-term health outcomes.
What does my donation pay for?
We are a five-person office. We use volunteers and interns to provide our services to the community.
Your funding pays for the operational and program expenses needed to provide our programming. We strive to maintain low administrative and fundraising expenses so that the majority of our funding goes directly to serving the community. We have significantly reduced our indirect expenses over the last two years as we have shifted our focus from funding research to providing community services.