Houston-area girls and women have access to our four publications, free of charge. Our publications are written, reviewed, and updated by medical professionals to ensure accurate and up-to-date information on the health topics covered. Organizations may request these free publications to distribute at health fairs, clinics, and schools, use to supplement their educational programs, or use to educate clients.
If you would like printed copies of the publications below, please fill out our online form here.

New!- A Parent’s Guide to Difficult Conversations
A simple and easy guide to help parents have difficult and hard conversations with their children. It includes tips on how to start the conversation, what to say, and a few resources on where to find more information.
The brochure includes topics such as mental health, depression & suicide, gun violence and school shootings, sex & sexual assault, and safety & sex trafficking.

How’s My Health? A Personal Health Record
A practical tool used to take charge of one’s health history, effectively collect, and maintain one’s own medical records. This publication is generously funded by Blue Cross and Blue Shield.
“It is the most complete, ‘user friendly’ health record I have ever seen…. Thank-you for creating the publications and providing this valuable tool to people.”

What About Me? A Girls’ Guide to Health
The Women’s Fund’s comprehensive health education guidebook for young women ages 12 –16. This publication is partially funded by The Smith Foundation.
“It really helps teens make good choices. I loved it and would pass it on to people. Great book!”
“It is a very good tool that opens up the lines of communication between girls and their caregiver/instructor. It helps to make the discussion of sensitive – and sometimes not addressed – issues easier.”

What Are the Facts? Information to Help Women Take Control of Their Health
Provides the most current health information to motivate women to seek healthier lifestyles and make more informed decisions about their health care. This publication focuses on overall health issues and strategies.
“Very good book. Lots of information.”
“Great information for class & parenting meetings.”
“All the recipients stated that the information was informative & helped them to better understand various health issues.”

Which “weigh”?
Our “Which Weigh?” publication gives families a user-friendly reference guide and the tools they need to increase their healthy living. Making healthy, lasting changes is what this book is all about.
This publication includes medical information related to obesity, its physical and psychological effects, as well as a lifestyle change section. This publication is kindly underwritten by Kelsey-Seybold Clinic.
“I found this book to tell me just what I needed to know. It is easy to read and has great information.”