Past and Present …

Since 1979, we have served women in Houston by funding research, providing community seminars and programs; and through our publications provided the community with medically sound health information.

From 1980 to 2008 The Women’s Fund funded research grants for women’s health. During that period, 158 projects totaling nearly $1.4 million, received funding. The impact on women’s health research ranged from cancer, lupus, heart disease, obesity, osteoporosis, and emotional wellness. During that time we also wrote and published four books on womens’ and girls’ health, which were distributed throughout the Houston area free of charge.

Beginning in 2009 we switched our focus to a public health model, and no longer fund research.

We currently provide preventive health education and publications by collaborating with community partners to provide our programs and resources free of charge in their neighborhood. We serve adolescent girls and women by giving them skills for living a healthy life through the following programs and publications:


Research Grants for Women’s Health

1980- 2008: The Women’s Fund has given nearly $1.4 million for research in Houston. Medical professionals in the designated areas of funding provide expertise in this value-added process. We do not fund research at this time; we are concentrating or efforts on our health education programs. We will be providing the community with updates on current research and the implications of the findings on women’s health.


Health Education and Publications for Adolescent Girls

1999 – Present: The Women’s Fund and a Community Advisory Board of professionals and four (4) teen groups provided expertise in producing this publication, What About Me? A Girls’ Guide to Health, a health education guidebook for girls ages 11-14. To supplement the guidebook a curriculum was developed to provide educational sessions to adolescent girls.

2008 – The Women’s Fund has been collaborating with national community service providers, like Community in Schools, Boys & Girls Club, and Citizen Schools and local organization like Houston, Spring Branch and Pasadena Independent School Districts, to implement the What About Me? curriculum with girls. Local organizations can receive this free resource and programming as well.


Scholarship Program for Young Women

1993-Present: Each year, The Women’s Fund conducts this citywide essay contest to award scholarships for college bound seniors.


Health Education for Women

1979 – Present: The Women’s Fund offers free health curriculum classes and programs conducted by recognized professionals and trained volunteers in collaboration with our community partners and corporations to promote preventive strategies and explore current health issues. Our seminars are also available as Webinars to increase accessibility to the community. We use our own publications and curriculum to offer these programs.

To further our educational endeavor we provide on-site Smart Lunch programs to women in the transition, living in marginalized communities, corporations and the general population. The Smart Lunch program gives women needed health information by a local professional as well as a convenient place to ask questions regarding health issues.

We also provide a Resiliency & Health curriculum class called Women’s Health Advocacy Program to women who are currently living in transitional situations, need skill building as well as information and those who have multiple barriers to good health.


Health Publications for Women

1998 – Present: The Women’s Fund provides free publications, in English and Spanish, entitled What are the Facts? A Primer on Women’s Health” a solid overview of what women need to know about their health, and the “How’s My Health?” publication that is a medical record keeping booklet endorsed by The Harris County Medical Society.

The Women’s Fund received a generous gift from Halliburton for a project that would enhance our services to the Houston community. The publication entitled “Which Weigh”? A Roadmap to a Healthy Lifestyle for You and Your Family includes information on adult and childhood obesity, a section addressing quality of life issues such as mental health and social implications, and a substantial section on lifestyle change.